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2024.07.11 Conditions Update

After experiencing very wet conditions over the last couple of months, the Winnipeg River basin received less precipitation over the last week.The dry conditions have led to decreasing tributary flows and lake inflows across most of the basin. Lower inflows have helped slow the rate of lake level rise with conditions stabilizing over the past few days. There is moderate to heavy rainfall in the forecast early next week which could lead to increasing flows.

The current level of Lake of the Woods is 323.35 m (1060.86 ft), an 80th percentile level for this time of year. The average lake level increased by 2 cm (1 in) over the last week and is expected to remain relatively stable, over the next week, depending on precipitation amounts and upstream flow changes. Lake of the Woods outflow is 1070 m3/s with all sluices fully open at the Norman Dam in Kenora. The dams cannot be opened any more and outflow will rise and fall with the lake level.  

With lake levels expected to remain relatively stable, outflows are not expected to vary significantly. As such, levels along the Winnipeg River are expected to remain stable. Levels may vary as a result of local inflows.

The current level of Lac Seul is 356.32 m (1169.03 ft), a 35th percentile level, within the normal range for this time of year. The average lake level increased by 6 cm (2.5 in) over the past week and is expected to increase by 7 to 12 cm (3 to 5 in) over the next week. Lac Seul authorized outflow is 350 m3/s with no additional changes currently scheduled.