2023.06.29 Level Forecast
The current level of Lake of the Woods is 322.99 m (1059.7 ft), a 45th percentile level for this time of year. The average lake level decreased by 3.1 cm (1 in) over the past week and is expected to continue to drop by 5-6 cm (2-2.5 in) over the next week, but this is dependent on precipitation and potential outflow decreases. Lake of the Woods authorized outflow is 650 m3/s.
With recent and planned flow reductions from Rainy Lake, Lake of the Woods outflow will likely need to be reduced to maintain preferred summer water levels. Since inflows are currently very dependent on precipitation, the weather forecasts and precipitation data are being closely monitored.
The current level of Lac Seul is 355.91 m (1167.7 ft), a 25th percentile level for this time of year. The lake level increased by 5.3 cm (2 in) over the past week and is expected to continue rising by approximately 5-7 cm (2-3 in) over the next week, depending on precipitation. Lac Seul authorized outflow is 100 m3/s with no changes scheduled.