The current level of Lake of the Woods is 322.67 m (1058.6 ft), a 20th percentile level for this time of year. The average lake level changed little over the past week. With forecasted precipitation the lake level could increase 2 to 4 cm (0.5 to 1.5 in). Lake of the Woods authorized outflow is 150 m3/s.
The current level of Lac Seul is 356.13 m (1168.4 ft), a 25th percentile level for this time of year. The lake level changed little over the past week and is expected to remain stable or decrease 2 cm (0.5 in) over the next week. Lac Seul authorized outflow is 100 m3/s.
Outflow increases for both Lake of the Woods and Lac Seul can be expected in the coming weeks as adjustments are made to target winter outflows.