The LWCB encourages everyone to be cautious when travelling near or on the ice. Weather this winter has been mild and ice conditions may not be the same or as safe as in previous winters. It is always best to be extra cautious when near or on the ice, especially when there are fluctuations in temperatures and changes in water flows or levels. Please be safe!
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2023.05.16 Lake of the Woods Outflow Increase

High local inflow conditions in the headwaters of the Rainy-Namakan basin are resulting in additional increases to Rainy Lake outflow. Inflows to Lake of the Woods therefore remain high and the lake level continues to rise. While balancing rising flows on the Winnipeg River, another small increase to Lake of the Woods outflow is scheduled to slow the rate of rise on the lake.

Lake of the Woods outflow will increase to 800 m3/s tomorrow, Wednesday, June 17. This flow change will cause levels along the Winnipeg River to increase by 10 cm (4 in) below the Norman Dam, 6 cm (2 in) above the Dalles and 7 cm (3 in) at Minaki.