The current level of Lake of the Woods is 322.63 m (1058.5 ft), a 10th percentile level for this time of year. The average lake level fell by 3 cm (1 in) over the past week and is expected to decline by 2 to 5 cm (1 to 2 in) over the next week.
Lake of the Woods authorized outflow will be reduced from 150 to 140 m3/s on Monday July 19th. The level of the Winnipeg River immediately below the Norman Dam is expected to drop by approximately 2cm (1 in). Locations farther downstream will experience less level change and the level at Minaki should be unaffected.
The current level of Lac Seul is 355.38 m (1165.9 ft), a 10th percentile level for this time of year. The average lake level rose by 1 cm (1/2 in) over the past week and is expected to rise by 1 to 3 cm (1 in) over the next week.
Lac Seul authorized outflow is 75 m3/s.
Manitoba Hydro has provided the following weekly forecast for lake levels along the Winnipeg River in the Whiteshell. For questions related to water levels in this area, please contact Manitoba Hydro.
* Note: average is based on limited historic data.
The Winnipeg River receives most of its water from Ontario’s Lake of the Woods and Lac Seul, these flows are regulated by the LWCB. Manitoba Hydro models the expected rise and fall for lakes on the Winnipeg River downstream of Slave Falls Generating Station based on flows set by the LWCB, unregulated tributaries, and expected precipitation.
Please note:
- Operations of Caribou Falls Generating Station in Ontario and local precipitation may cause daily fluctuations in levels.
- Manitoba Hydro’s generating stations on the Winnipeg River pass on all the water received from upstream – generally referred to as “run of river”.
- This weekly forecast will be provided during the open water season.